Paris Surf & Skateboard Film Festival 9th Edition / 27-30 june 2024
PSSFF 2024
USA, 2017 / 27’ / vostf
Inspired by the story telling style of classic maritime novels, Perilous Sea follows a group of professional surfers as they explore the landscapes and waves of Iceland, the Canadian Maritimes and Ireland.
/ French premiere
Tarif plein 9€
Tarif réduit 6€ (Minimas sociaux, étudiant.e.s, 12-26 ans)
Tarif pass 3 films 21€ (7€ le film) : billetterie sur
Expositions, rencontres, projection de vidéos, soirées
Accès libre dans la limite des places disponibles
La Gaîté Lyrique
3bis rue Papin, Paris 3e
Informations : 01 84 74 49 00