Paris Surf & Skateboard Film Festival 9th Edition / 27-30 june 2024

PSSFF 2024

Biarritz Surf Gang

France, 2016 / 65’/ vostf

Through the portraits of the surfers of the Grande Plage of Biarritz, the film tells a transition period for surfing which passes from a counterculture to a high level sport. Praticing surfing in Biarritz, France, in the 1980s it’s to refuse the system. A thirst for pure sensations that could lead to the top of the tables of competitions or directly in prison.
This is the unknown story of the six best European surfer, of their greatness and decadence.

/ Parisian premiere
/ In attendance of the directors


Official selection


Paris Surf & Skateboard Film Festival 9th Edition / 27-30 june 2024

La Gaîté Lyrique · Paris 3e

La Gaîté Lyrique

Attend the PSSFF

Séances programmées dans l’auditorium

Tarif plein 9€
Tarif réduit 6€ (Minimas sociaux, étudiant.e.s, 12-26 ans)
Tarif pass 3 films 21€ (7€ le film) : billetterie sur

Programmation OFF

Expositions, rencontres, projection de vidéos, soirées
Accès libre dans la limite des places disponibles

La Gaîté Lyrique
3bis rue Papin, Paris 3e
Informations : 01 84 74 49 00